
On Killing, Hollywood, and Limp Bizkit

Welcome to my blog. I feel like I was goaded into starting this but that’s not true.  I want this blog, I want all the benefits of having this blog, and my trepidation about possibly lapsing on blogging or blogging something stupid or revealing that I’m not very smart because of the way I blog is an internal resistance that, up to now, I’ve seen as noble.  "No one would want to hear what I have to say." "People who blog sure think highly of their opinions." It’s boring and redundant and cowardly to say, “the world doesn’t need another blog.”  Fascists say that. Idiots with big rusty knives say that. A true gentleman starts a blog. A gentleman writes what he thinks about indie music and indie movies and indie literature. A gentleman sometimes writes what he thinks about mainstream music and movies and literature too because he’s not a fascist idiot with a big rusty knife and he happens upon mainstream art just like everyone else. But in a gentlemanly, genius way.  in...
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